New Release!
Hostility Within: A Prophetic Perspective Of The Church During The Pandemic
By Tavares D. Robinson
When you hear the year, 2020, you may automatically recall to mind COVID-19 and all the havoc this virus has caused. You may remember many people losing their jobs, social disorder, unbridled vitriol, or worse, losing their lives. Whatever might come to mind, we cannot forget that COVID-19 did more than initiate loss for many.
This virus exposed disturbing truths about the state of the redeemed within the church. It took a once uncontrollable plague to reveal the hatred, treachery and divisiveness that was already lingering in the heart of professing believers. The pandemic was an opportunity for them to defend their own truths instead of God’s, and as a result, the church has lost respect from the unredeemed.
In this book, Tavares D. Robinson uses Scripture to uncover the hostility that’s always been within—and God’s remedy to treat this spiritual disease. Robinson calls believers to a place of urgency; realizing it’s time for the church to be diagnosed, refined, and equipped for a new time of diabolical division, fascism, racial hate, lies, deception, and broken relationships. It is God’s will that the church be strengthened to stand in the midst of these flash floods of falsehoods.

Featured Book
Shepherds, Hirelings and Dictators - How to Recognize the Difference
By Tavares D. Robinson
WHEN WE REMAIN UNDER THE TEACHING OF UNFAITHFUL leaders, we actually reinforce their wayward behavior. They are most likely to take our continuous support as approval and become even bolder, as they move in the flesh rather than in the Spirit of God.

Featured Book
The Process of Transition - Reforming The Heart For Growth
By Tavares D. Robinson
Paul experienced perhaps the greatest transition ever recorded. Once an adversary of Jesus’ followers, he became the great defender and teacher of the believers he previously persecuted.
“Transition—a word that has become a popular buzzword in our day—has been greatly misunderstood,” according to Tavares Robinson. “Some equate transition with change, but the two words do not have the same meaning.”
Robinson details the process of the believer’s transition as a necessary step for growth. He recalls a statement from a neighbor who is a pilot: “For us as pilots, it’s all about the journey, but for passengers, it’s all about the destination.”

Featured Book
Warnings from the Garden - Uncovering the Wiles of Deception
By Tavares D. Robinson
Deception used to be considered evil. But not any longer—not when those who are called to live like Christ now openly justify and defend anti-Christian character behavior. When the church follows the leadership of the culture, and sacrifices historical biblical truths on the altars of relativism and trendiness, it becomes a twenty-first century version of Esau, a man who valued his current times over an eternal reward.

Featured Book
The Utopia of a Strange Love: When the Love of God is Mishandled
By Tavares D. Robinson
A vital teaching like the love of God has been seriously misrepresented. And if our view of God is wrong, then the cross of Christ can be nullified. This book challenges readers to get back to the basics and recover the true historical meaning of God’s love.